Wednesday 30 November 2016

Confirm your Twitter account, Ezha Masih Boncel

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Confirm your email address to complete your Twitter account @EzhaMasihBoncel. It's easy — just click the button below.
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Tuesday 29 November 2016

November Updates from Red Hat OpenShift

What's New?

Amadeus Uses new Agile Platform to Improve Travel Experience
Amadeus logo

Amadeus chose Red Hat® OpenShift Container Platform as the foundation for its new application infrastructure. This new platform, Amadeus Cloud Services, enables better customer service, increased platform availability, streamlined operations, and reduced time to market for new services.

OpenShift Commons Gathering Seattle 2016 Wrap-Up
At the first OpenShift Commons Gathering in Seattle, 200+ developers, DevOps professionals, and sysadmins came together to explore the next steps in making container technologies successful, scalable and secure. Check out the presentations and videos from the event and stay tuned for updates on the next event taking place in 2017!
Five Key Takeaways from KubeCon 2016
KubeCon Seattle 2016
Looking back on the events in Seattle, here are five key takeways that will continue to shape the community and market for the next few years. Offers Innovative Services Faster with OpenShift

Using a DevOps-based process, deployed a microservices-based application architecture based on Red Hat® OpenShift Container Platform. The company can now bring new services to market faster and easily scale its application requirements to meet customer demand.
Recent Blogs

Why Red Hat Chose Kubernetes for OpenShift
The ability to orchestrate multiple containers across multiple hosts was a critical requirement for OpenShift.  Ultimately our investigation led us to Kubernetes and looking back on it now there are three main reasons why – great technology, a great partner and a truly great community.
OpenShift 3.3 Pipelines Deep Dive
Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment have been hot topics in our industry for the last few years. From the initial release of OpenShift 3.0, we’ve included features to let you build automated workflows to consume changes and redeploy applications. This article dives into CI/CD and pipeline management on OpenShift 3.3.
What is Enterprise-Ready Kubernetes?
Given all the choices that developers have today, you don’t get to 4-5x the number of contributors if the project doesn’t have velocity and longevity. Red Hat made a very early and large investment in this community, and even as the community grows, Red Hat continues to be the #1 Enterprise contributor to the Kubernetes community.

OpenShift Updates
Red Hat JBoss Data Virtualization on Red Hat OpenShift

Now available: Red Hat JBoss Data Virtualization on OpenShift

Ruby on Rails logo

Now supporting: Ruby on Rails 5

Open Innovation Labs Demo

Part One: How to use a push-button infrastructure in application development

Start your path to container adoption with Red Hat Open Innovation Labs
This first demo highlights the open source technologies we use in Open Innovation Labs to accelerate modern application development, and features the push-button infrastructure that supports immediate application development based on our prescriptive infrastructure.
Part Two: How to build and use an automated framework for container-based CI/CD

Get a sneak peek into the technologies we use to jump-start modern app dev
This second demo demonstrates how the automated framework we use in Open Innovation Labs enables rapid feature deployment, high-quality code and testing standards, and consistent behavior across environments.
To learn more about Labs, check out the site here

Friday 11 November 2016


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Saturday 5 November 2016

Confirm your Twitter account, Ezha Masih Boncel

Final step...
Confirm your email address to complete your Twitter account @EzhaMasihBoncel. It's easy — just click the button below.
Confirm now